nowadays, most of the items in the supermarket have the package to tell people what inside and protect them, and people today focus on the package design more and more, however, the problem is that is that every package design can express the item exactly? And not makes people confused?
Let's see some example that i have found in supermarket and shoppingmall...
This is the candy package. Do you think you can feel that the candy is tasty at your first sight! Seems really like a suck candy ....For some reasons I haven't open it till now!
This is the dog food tin, but when i see the words "MADE FROM REAL MEAT" It really makes me confused!!! Is that a dog food tin or a dog meat tin like the tuna fish tin........
that's really a terrible words......
seems like the snake inside is really disgusting and even the package want to spit all it out
the brand name "post"is really silly, we post Instagrame, Facebook, Blog or something else everyday,but i have never post BLUEBERRY EVERY MORNING....i think they may consider to change the name after reading my blog hahah!
It's ok for skippy on a bottle in Asian, but in America, you'd better not use this means the Japanese bitch(really sorry for the dirty words here) I am not sure who will buy it in America......
White coffee? where is "white" not the coffee beans or the drinks in the cup....where is white?(same as black tea, it looks red, not black!!!)
This is the most silly brand i have ever saw!~~who will wear a dick T-shirt, opps not dick, it's dickies OMG can not image
if i cut the bottle, will you recognise what exactly it is? sees like a foot of octapus
it's just a cup noodle, seems like it can serves for 6 football athlete!~ how it could be, it just a little cup not a big bucket!!!
okay, well, this is the examples that what i have found...something is really confusing me, and you may got something interesting too, so pleased share to me if you have!