
Design Process week 1-1 Beginning

This is the first week I have the class Design Process, I am the leader of the group, and I will put anything related to our "problem"----canteen is too small on this blog...

The passage below is what I just found by google and here is a school got a really "tiny" canteen and it makes some argument.
Let's see!

In a very subtle way, all the "reasons" given by the school, by the PTA, by the Education Ministry officials, by Putraja through Ku Nan, have a common denominator - they are implying that the planners failed to provide a canteen that could accommodate at least half the maximum number of pupils in each of the school's two sessions.
Why only 50 percent? This is because it is a common practice, if the school is operating at maximum capacity, not to flood the canteen with the whole school population at one go so as not to make it impossible for the canteen operators to handle the crowd in the very limited time for recess. Therefore, recess is broken into two sessions. If a school is much under-enrolled, then a single session break is possible.
It has not been stated that SK Seri Pristina is over-enrolled, i.e. having a student population that is more than the capacity it was designed for.  If it is not over-enrolled, then the canteen that came with the rest of the school buildings should be able to accommodate all the children, half of them at a time at least.
So, claims of insufficient space in the canteen mean that the canteen was built too small. This is like giving a slap to the JKR schools division that is responsible for school buildings, It is therefore incumbent on the JKR schools division to clarify:
How many square feet of canteen space did it allocate for each child in SK Seri Pristina?  Is this the norm or otherwise?
What is the area of the space in the canteen usable by children for their meals? What is the area of the teacher's dining room in the canteen?
How is it that sunlight makes the canteen a much hotter place than the washroom/toilet that was converted into a permanent extension of the canteen as stated by PTA member Major Hardeep Singh?
Was the JKR schools division ever informed that it had provided too small a canteen for the number of children it had built the school for? 6) By how many square feet more must the canteen be enlarged in order to accommodate the "overflowing" children? What will the cost of the extension be? 8) How long will it take to complete the extension?
What is the explanation for not building a large enough canteen in the first place - lack of space? Lack of funds? Etc.
Schools of similar design are to be found all over the country. It is therefore very important for the JKR schools division to provide answers to the above questions before the PTA's of some other similar schools make similar decisions as the SK Seri Peristina. They may improve on the performance of this school by putting up beautiful signboards outside the washroom/toilets stating "Kafeteria SK ……" ; and even decorating them with flowers, etc.

AS U CAN SEE, the small canteen sometimes really got a problem, like it said that the canteen that came with the rest of the school buildings should be able to accomeodate all the student, half of them at a time at a least.
BUT, why NAFA's canteen also tiny but no one conplains about it and even sometimes it looks really empty? so in the few days, our groupmates and me will discuss this questions...  

